Autonomes Kulturzentrum Between

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9.März @ 19:30 - 10.März @ 2:00

13 €

Fast and furious punk band from Qingdao, CHINA 2015 – „DUMMY TOYS“ appeared in the dusty, noisy, and hectic world of Northeastern China. They play fast and violent raw punk without hesitation. Nothing is gentle or pleasant. Nobody is smiling or cute. Their shows are wild beyond YOUR imagination.

DUMMY TOYS draw their influences from classic American street-punk bands like A Global Threat, Monster Squad, and Cheap Sex while proudly acknowledging their Japanese punk neighbors and the early all-female acts on Sister/Benten Records. Spawned in China, where punk became cemented as an unstoppable musical force by bands like Demerit, the Flyx, Gum Bleed, and Hell City, they push the sound and stylistic approach to the limit. And, just like their spiritual influences, the first all-girl Chinese punk band Hang on the Box, DUMMY TOYS are proving they’re not only as good as the boys but better!

DUMMY TOYS quickly made their presence felt in their home, the coastal city of Qingdao, becoming a must-see act at the city’s local punk bar, DMC. With the release of their debut album „Not A Puppet“ in 2020, they have since become a rising gale tearing across China’s punk scene. In 2023 and 2024 DUMMY TOYS played furious Europe-tours and released a new record „War Is Nightmare“. Now, as their winds grow to hurricane force, they’ve got their mohawks charged and their eyes set again on the world.





Seit über 28 Jahren machen die vier leidenschaftlichen Musiker Miro, Tom, Dario und Chrigel gemeinsam Musik. Ihre Formation The Sublinguals hat sich vollkommen dem Hardcore-Punk verschrieben. Ein Genre, in dem eine geballte Ladung an harten Melodien aus den Lautsprechern dröhnt und dessen Texte meist von politischen Statements geprägt sind. Es ist ein Lebensgefühl, welches sie auf der Bühne und in ihrer Musik gerne an das Between Publikum weitergeben möchten.


Doors: 19:15 Uhr

Start pünktlich 19:45 Uhr !

Eintritt: 13.-



9.März @ 19:30
10.März @ 2:00
13 €


Kulturzentrum Between
Bahnhofstrasse 47
6900 Bregenz, 6900 Österreich
Google Karte anzeigen
Mittwoch:        16.00 – 21.00 Uhr
Donnerstag:    16.00 – 21.00 Uhr
Freitag:             17.00 – 22.00 Uhr
Samstag:          Konzerte & Veranstaltungen
Sonntag:           16.00 – 21.00 Uhr